Constantly Getting Black Screen While Playing Fire Emblem Heroes

Due to the wide cast of characters and combination of both a Newbie Boom and veteran fans, the game has its fair share of memes.

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  • The fact that the player character's 'weapon', Breidablik, is a gun in the mostly medieval setting of Fire Emblem has not escaped fans' notice. The constant jokes mostly died down after it was revealed that the player is unusable in battle and that Breidablik is not an ordinary gun by any means. Now revisited since in the trailer of Book II of the main story we can see the Summoner fighting Veronica with said gun. Some joked it shoots full speed Bartres.
    • Book III Chapter 13 aggravates the situation when the Summoner dealt the killing blow to Hel by shooting her with the Breidablik
    • Taken Up to Eleven with the 5.2.0 update, which allows us to use our Summoner in Mjölnir's Strike.
  • Alfonse:
    • Alfonse the Bench Lord. note Alfonse's quiet, peaceful disposition combined with his Tier-Induced Scrappy status thanks to his low speed has caused him to become a meme in and of himself. Whenever he's discussed, expect a lot of bench jokes.
      • Bench Lord promoted to Bench Presser! note This suddenly turned on its head with the introduction of weapon refines for the Askr Trio, of which Alfonse arguably got the best: the coveted Brazen Atk/Def 3 on his weapon. This stacks with a Brazen Atk/Def 3 in his A slot and potentially a third Brazen Atk/Def 3 as his Sacred Seal, turning him into a melee tank with upwards of 70 Atk and 50 Def. Suddenly Alfonse saw a lot more use in conventional teams.
    • Alfonse, you dipshit. note Gustav's stern and stoic attitude towards Alfonse, combined with Alfonse's eagerness to please his dad yet stumbling here and there, tends to make the fandom think that Gustav is actually disappointed at Alfonse acting like an idiot against his advice. The phrase became the go-to phrase for Gustav basically saying another meme, "Son, I am disappoint."
    • Alfonse's Weakness note In the mode's first year, Askr lost Mjolnir's Strike to Navarre, Lyon, Sais, Julius, Naesala and Conrad - all pretty, young men. As Alfonse being gay was already a meme, the joke became that Alfonse was letting them win entirely because he's attracted to them. (Travant breaking the pattern is simply Alfonse expanding his tastes.)
      • The Pretty Boys Club note Since the first year, more and more losses in Mjolnir's Strike have been to characters who break the pattern. However, victors are still often referred to as having joined the 'Pretty Boys Club', with an increasing sense of irony
    • Alfonse: Too OP To Live Explanation (Book IV Spoilers) The end of Book IV, Chapter 12, reveals that the Alfonse in the story has been the Summoner all along, and that the real Alfonse was supposedly smited out of existence by the Allfather himself for killing Hel. This instantly led to players realizing just how much of a badass Alfonse truly is.
  • Sharena's mom has got it going on. Explanation There's a good number of people who find Henriette, Alfonse and Sharena's mother, quite attractive, leading them to quote the famous "Stacy's Mom" song.
    • Alfonse's dad is actually pretty rad! Explanation The exact same meme above, but with Gustav, Alfonse's and Sharena's father, instead.
  • FIRE EMBLEM: HEROES! note The app opens with one of the voice actors of the five new characters (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Veronica, or Bruno) announcing the title of the game. Many times, this has caught people off-guard, particularly in public, by how loud it can be, especially if they play the game with the sound off or turned up the volume on their mobile device for something else. This meme is strongly associated with Sharena due to how loud and high-pitched her version of the Title Scream is.
  • Alolan Ganondorf note Most people have compared Surtr to Ganondorf due to their burly appearances and their fiery themes. This meme is based on Alolan Forms in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
    • Alolan Camilla, Alolan Severa note The same joke noting the similarity of Loki and Laevatein to the aforementioned characters from Fates and Awakening respectively.
    • Alolan Junkrat note The Alola form jokes resurfaced when Helbindi's artworks were leaked before the story update. His deranged looks beared some similarities to Overwatch's Junkrat.
      • Helbindi is a good boy! note However, when the chapter became available, it was revealed that Helbindi had a Jerk with a Heart of Gold personality, as he showed concern to his prisoner Ylgr and stated that he only was in the army to support his family.
  • Fjorm:
    • Fjorm is a masochist. note Fjorm's injured portrait had her expression look like she's having an orgasm, leading people believe that she's secretly into torture kinks.
    • "Did you know you can make Fjorm an ally if you complete the first chapter of Book II?" Explanation In response to the confusion of players trying to obtain their free Fjorm following the release of the 2.0 update, the developers pinned the above quote as a post on the notification board and it stayed there until mid January 2018. Doesn't help that the notice itself sounds vaguely passive aggressive.
    • "Oh, yes. Sorry to... alarm you. I am, as it happens... still alive." note Towards the end of Book II, Fjorm has supposedly suffered an Incurable Cough of Death. Regardless, her continued presence in the Forging Bonds events depict her as perfectly healthy, with the aforementioned quote coming from the Shape of a Spirit having her recover from Female Kris' cooking.
    • Fjorging Bonds note Forging Bonds often has Fjorm appear in support conversations with a character, often developing her own character in the process. In the A New Future Forging Bonds with Lysithea, Fjorm explained how her days are numbered and just like Lysithea, she could perish at any moment. This causes the latter to search for a way to extend the former's life. As a result, people have nicknamed the event "Fjorging Bonds".
    • Fjorm sings "Let it Go" note A video with a new song called "Flower of Ice", sung by Fjorm, was released to promote the Ice & Flames Tempest Trials series, which would continue the story of Book II. Fans instantly compared Fjorm to Elsa, which soon let to memes regarding Fjorm singing Elsa's "Let it Go" song.
    • FjormDev note Much like the EphraimDev joke below, this joke started to take on a life of its own once Fjorm was given the spotlight in the Ice & Flame Tempest Trials series, but magnified once Ascended Fjorm was revealed, with new art and voice lines, helped further by her being involved in many Forging Bonds before and after.
  • Gunnthrá:
    • Gunnthrá and fire Explanation (major spoilers for Book II Chapter 7) Gunnthrá was killed by Surtr by being burnt to death. Just like Sigurd, Flora and Rinea. If you don't know about Fire Emblem and jokes about people dying by fire...
    • GUNnthrá. note An obvious play on her name and the 'gun' meme. Usually used by Gunnthrá fans who were displeased at her role in the story.
  • Nope. note This is one of Helbindi's quotes when you select him in battle. Already funny that he says no upon being called, but taken further as it is being used as a response to other units' select quotes, mostly questions ("Wanna grab tea?" "Nope.")
  • Bladeblade. note There are special tome weapons that are suffixed with "-blade" that grant extra damage equal to the unit's field buffs. Laevatein, a sword unit, has this effect in her unique weapon that happens to be named after herself (or is it the reverse?), resulting in "Bladeblade" as a Fan Nickname for both the weapon and the character.
  • Ylgr has two sets of voice lines that have come to define her —
    • "Okay". note All of her selection lines are this. Not only does it make using her for "conversations" between units easy, it's also characterized her as someone with a flippant attitude towards fighting.
    • "Boring, boring, boring" is said in some of her lines, most notably as one of her Special quotes. It further defines her flippancy.
  • Sharena the Leaker note Images in the examples of "Learn with Sharena" show off features in which new players can learn from, but sometimes they show off more than what IS intends to by mistake. So far this includes: the Light and Dark Seasons for Legendary Heroes (exclusive Mythic Seasons for Aether Raids after the release of Book III), and the special ability of the May 2019 Mythic Hero (it grants allied units Dragon effectiveness, leading to many to predict Naga as the Mythic), as well as hinting players that Sothis would be the Mythic Hero of July 2019 in Byleth: Proven Professor's hero profile.
  • Jelly Skelly note The character designs for Lif, Thrasir, and Hel all have colorful transparent flesh on parts of their bodies which reveal their bones, due to them being undead. When the character designs were revealed since the Book III Feh Channel, people started making jokes about how the colorful flesh they have looks like jelly.
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA / ONLY WANT ONE FUTURE, ONLY WANT ONE WORLD Explanation The Book III theme is memetically popular thanks to its screaming vocals. Expect the lyrics to show up when Hel, Líf, or Thrasir are mentioned.
  • G-26 Lance Fighter note In the 26th map of Tactic Drills' Grandmaster difficulty, there is a generic Lance Fighter enemy with ridiculously high stats. Fans quickly associated this enemy with the already famous 3-13 Archer from Radiant Dawn and other overpowered mooks from the series.
    • Dancing Thief note A thief from Book 2's 12-2 who has Firestorm Dance despite having Shove as his assist skill (and not Dance or Sing) has been memed along with the above Lance Fighter.
  • Plumeria, unamused manager of lewd dreams. note Plumeria's title of Lewd Dream thrusted her into a position where she managed dreams that are inherently Fetish Fuel, and she is portrayed to have Seen It All and is generally not amused with the increasingly lewd and horny dreams she's requested with.
    • Everyone is horny for Plumeria note Despite her recency in the story at the time, Plumeria managed to achieve a spot in the Female Top 10 in Choose Your Legends 4, on the 6th place nonetheless.
  • "Oh, Freyr..." note This is Freyja's death quote during her Boss Battle in Book IV Chapter 9-5. Considering a total of 9 Freyjas are fought during this chapter, players who have battle animation on will hear this a lot.
  • Fáfnir's insane screaming face note Ever since the Book V announcement was made in early December 2020, the shot of Fáfnir's face when he was screaming in the Book V movie quickly became a reaction image for people to use, commonly in frustration, such as when someone forgets using their arrows in Mjölnir's Strike.
    • Fáfnir's Slasher Smile has also been subject to a lot of memes due to how hilarious and creepy it is at the same time. Most memes include splicing the face onto another character.
  • Green Unit = True Villain. Explanation (spoilers!) It's noted that the main antagonists of Books I-IV (Veronica, Surtr, Hel and Freyja) are all Green Units, which will lose in the Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors with Red Units... and that's the unit color for Alfonse, also prepping up for his Memetic Badass credentials so he can beat them more easily in-game (while at the same time prepping up Sharena's Memetic Loser credentials as she has a disadvantage against them). When Fáfnir's class was revealed to be a Blue Lance Cavalier, people doubted that he truly was the true villain or Final Boss material for Book V, aside of how he might be just merely Brainwashed and Crazy by his looks and attitude. This made the fandom at first throw their suspicion to Otr, who's a Green Axe Cavalier, predicting that eventually he's going to be The Starscream for his own brother or revealed as a Manipulative Bastard, the true villain of Book V. When Dagr made her first appearance in Book V, people jokingly said she was actually the main villain. Chapter 6 however, reveals that Eitri was the true villain after all, and she continues this trend as a Green Tome unit.
    • Anna is a villain because she's a Green Unit! Explanation The extension of the above. The fact that Anna has been there all along, and she's wielding axes, therefore a Green Unit, and she's kind of Out of Focus and having her signature money fetish, fans speculate that she's going to be a twist villain that will betray the Order of Heroes when no one expects.
  • The April Fools Day 2021 video that featured Fáfnir and Reginn dancing has spawned numerous edits that replaced the techno remix of Book V's map theme with another song, such as Specialist and Friday Night.
  • Nifl:
    • Haha! The idiots have fallen right into my trap! In Alaska! Explanation Nifl's skillset as a playable character bears a similarity to Kempf's skillset. Cue the referencing of Kempf's infamous "In America" meme, but with Alaska instead.
    • You are a goddess, but we do not grant you the title of Mythic. Explanation In a very surprising twist, Nifl as a playable character is not a Mythic Hero, being part of the regular summon pool instead despite being called the Goddess of Ice. Might be justified, however, due to the playerbase's complaints about releasing too many Heroes original characters as Mythic Heroes, and that Nifl doesn't really see herself as a goddess.

    Archanea (Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem)

  • "Uwee hee hee!" Explanation Legion's Signature Laugh has become popular amongst the fandom, due to how ridiculously silly it sounds. It helps that Legion himself is an Ensemble Dark Horse who is well liked for his use of Hulk Speak, Pluralses, and I Am Legion speaking habits, general haminess, and introduction of Infernal difficulty with his Grand Hero Battle.
  • Def Ploy Est. Explanation After the Gamepedia tier list was updated on August 10, 2017, players noticed that several heroes jumped up with Def Ploy being the reason cited. Perhaps most egregiously, Est and Peri both jumped ahead of Camus.
  • Camoo Explanation During the April 9, 2018 Feh Channel, that's how Feh pronounced Camus's name, similar to French philosopher and writer Albert Camus. However, few fans expected this to be the official pronunciation. And because it has 'moo' in its pronunciation, Cow jokes spawned minutes after the stream ended.
  • Marth:
    • "I refuse to yield!" Explanation One of Legendary Marth's Special lines, which became an instant hit only days after his reveal. Jokes about Marth running over the dragon characters with a car, to him responding to one of Ephraim's quotes ("Yield or perish!") has been made.
    • "Pantless Marth for CYL!" note After Brave Celica was revealed to have a design based on her Gaiden appearance, fans got the idea that characters from remakes will use their designs from their original game if they become a Brave Hero. Thus, many people are clamoring for Marth to become a Brave Hero so his infamous pantless design from the original Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light will be used. However, the younger version of Marth was based on the pantless design, for the 30th anniversary, since that design covered Pantless Marth, his Brave version had him dressed as his ancestor Anri.
  • King Navarre of Askr. note During the fifth installment of Mjölnir's Strike, Navarre managed to defeat Alfonse and his army during the Counter Phase, to the surprise of everyone. This meme quickly spread jokes about Navarre being the new ruler of Askr, having usurped Alfonse from the throne.
  • "Prince Marth sends his regards." note Fans had a field day when they found out that SungWon Cho (ProZD) would be voicing Darros.
  • "I am Vyland of Aurelis, one of the Coyote's Men." note This bit of dialogue plays at the beginning of Chapter 12-4, just after the extremely serious Chapter 12-3 in which Nótt is killed protecting Dagr from Fáfnir. Fans were very quick to mock this line for its unintentional hilarity due to coming after such a tragic moment, and it's often used to illustrate how poorly integrated the summonable characters are in the story. And of course, all of this is helped by Vyland being a Fountain of Memes in his home game.

    Valentia (Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia)

  • Berkut's Lance note When Berkut was added into Heroes, players saw he came in with just a generic lance named after him and not his end-game weapon, the Kriemhild. This made many memes about the weapons name, which was made more of a meme when Clarisse came with a bow named after her as well, and it was furthered when Laevatein came in with her swords being named after herself. Generally seen by the community as a joking Take That! at how disappointing the weapon tends to be, even if Berkut's Lance is considered good for fodder. The reveal of the Barrier Lance, which is pretty much the same in every way except name, certainly did not help matters. His refinement later in July 2020 did somewhat help to discredit this meme, however.
    • Berkut himself is also the source of memes in regards to how poorly he was seen as a playable unit before his refine, but how good his Lance is, leading to many jokes about not foddering him off such as; "Berkut is friend, not fodder!".
  • "Dong Armor for CYL3!" note Following Brave Celica's design being based on her Gaiden appearance after Choose Your Legends 2, many players hope for Alm's brave variant to be based on his Unfortunate Character Design seen in Gaiden. Made even better when he actually won Choose Your Legends 3, making his Brave variant a guarantee, and his Legendary Variant being based on his Conquerer attire, narrowing the options of his Brave attire down more. Indeed, when CYL3 rolled around, Alm's outfit was based on his Gaiden appearance.
  • Alm is just a Tomas alt. note A minor meme after Legendary Alm came out, in which fans noted that his art looked very similar to Tomas, an obscure Shadow Dragon character whose sole defining trait amongst the fandom is having absolutely no personality. Cue jokes about how normal Alm is just Tomas's sword alt, or how Tomas of all people got a Brave alt before more popular Shadow Dragon characters like Nyna even got into the game!
  • Mila's art. note Upon Mila's debut on Fire Emblem Heroes, many noticed that she wouldn't look out of place for a Final Fantasy game. This has led to multiple memes involving her artwork, especially her attacking pose.

    Jugdral (Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776)

  • After the full list of results for the Choose Your Legend poll were released, fans quickly noticed that the lowest ranked hero was Glade from Thracia 776, with a measly 17 VOTES to his name! He has since been "crowned" the least favorite character in all of Fire Emblem.
    • Vote Glade for Choose Your Legends 2018. note When the second Choose Your Legend event was revealed in January of 2018, many people began claiming people should vote for Glade so that he can become a Memetic Badass. While he didn't score highly, he DID manage to escape last place.
  • Reinhardt:
    • Magic is everything! note One of Reinhardt's Special quotes, and his most well-known one. It's often used to reference how frequently used and oppressive he is in Heroes' metagame.
      • Magic isn't everything! note The second version of Reinhardt released uses a sword and his reveal is accompanied with him saying "In battle, a Mage Knight should be equipped with more than just magic", almost as a way to make fun of his most famous line.
      • Dancing is Everything! note When A Splendid Soiree was announced with Reinhardt as a Dancing flier with a brave weapon like his Dire Thunder in September 2019, players immediately embraced this phrase as a result.
    • Fans noticed that Regular Reinhardt's art has surprisingly tiny hands. It's fairly common to see Reinhardt referred to as some variation of "Tiny-Handed Man".
    • Smiling Reinhardt note Someone has edited Reinhardt's portrait with FaceApp to give him a smug grin, and it has been commonly used to depict him since in fan communities, usually to refer to his high Tier-Induced Scrappy status in the game.
    • "I now use The Reinhardt" note After the reveal that Ayra was part of the Tempest Trials banner instead of being with the rest of the new FE4 units, one Twitter user replied on the game's official Twitter that they will start using Reinhardt out of spite. Along with the claim that Arden and Ayra are causing a Power Creep in the game, more and more are heralding Reinhardt as the game's savior after months of being the most disliked unit in the game in that he can instantly kill any red-unit in the game, including Arden and Ayra, with only a small handful of red-coloured enemies able to survive an attack from him. This can be substituted with 'The Lukas', since he's known for his uber Stone Wall traits and being a Blue unit means that while the likes of Ayra could one shot Reinhardt in case they got lucky to get in range... not so much on Lukas. This meme made a resurgence when Ayra's refine managed to help her regain some of her glory days that were swept by power creep... only for Reinhardt's Resplendent version to be announced shortly after, with some fans joking that history repeated itself.
    • "I cannot stand the sight of Reinhardt." Explanation Julius says this as one of his interactive quotes. It instantly became a meme due to the frequent use of Reinhardt in Arena. Even better, it turns out that his unique Loptous tome allows him to tank and kill Reinhardt despite the color disadvantage.
  • :D note Tailtiu's facial expression bears some resemblance to this emoticon.
  • Arden's... unique artwork has been received in some circles with a fair amount of horror.
    • Arden is a good boy. note Thanks to his role as a cheerful Gentle Giant and his...quirky art style, people often play up Arden as an innocent goofball who is just trying to do his best. This was encouraged a bit by the backlash surrounding Ayra souring some people's opinions towards Arden due to him being a free unit instead of Ayra, as Arden fans began to insist that no one should take their frustrations out on poor Arden because it wasn't his fault.
  • Eldigan and Fury 6 note Eldigan in this game is sometimes characterized as very angry as the special upgrade for his Mystletainn weapon is a built-in Fury 3, which stacks with his base Fury skill (note that both Bartre and Hinata have the same upgrade on their refined weapons, but Eldigan was the first one to get it). It has some players hoping that a Sacred Seal for Fury comes out so that he can get extremely angry.
    • Made even more relevant with the release of Fury 4 on Greil, allowing Eldigan to attain Fury 7.
  • Rich Homie Quan/"Hit the Quan!" note Nicknames/titles given to Quan after his inclusion to the game; after rapper Rich Homie Quan and the song that was created by another rapper by the name of iLoveMemphis after the dance that Rich Homie Quan did in his music video for one of his songs.
  • Leif, a side character of that Reinhardt game. note As Thracia 776 is one of the lesser known titles of the series and Leif being overshadowed by Reinhardt in many ways (such as the latter being a Game-Breaker and getting two alts (one of them being Seasonal) before the former), Leif is often joked to be a side character instead of being the main lord of Thracia. Now considered a Discredited Meme due to Leif receiving a Legendary variant and that variant being one of the best Horse Archers in the game thanks to his exclusive weapon, special, and Duel blessing to allow him to score higher in Arena modes.
  • Lachesis'd note A go-to word to describe a character that used to be a great unit in the original game, but was severely nerfed or looked too different than in their original game, but bottom line, they're no longer the uber unit they were before. The term Lachesis was used because Lachesis was the first and most egregious example of this: She used to be a great example of Magikarp Power, starting with the all-rounder Jack-of-All-Stats Princess class, and then promoting into the all powerful Master Knight class. And in Heroes, she's a ground healer, thus she's not as awesome as she was in the old game. And some also considered her artwork 'nerfed', making her look more like a little girl and may look younger than Nanna, her daughter. One that comes very close to this would be Lucius, who was once a light magic user and ended up as a ground healer in this game. An extension of this can be seen in the 'IS hates male wyvern riders' below, as a similar effect happened to many male wyvern riders.
  • Seliph? Who's Seliph? note Seliph unfortunately had a history of being shafted by IS (especially for alts), often to the point where people poked fun and said that Seliph doesn't exist. The joke began when there was no Jugdral alts for anyone, until soon came Legendary Julia (who got a Legendary version before her half brother and main Lord of the second half of the game, Seliph), Fallen Mareeta, as well as Dancing Reinhardt and Ishtar (and by extension, Legendary Leif, despite him representing Thracia 776 for that). The joke got a new breath of life when Fallen Julia was revealed in May 2020, where her pre-chapter battle quote stated that she couldn't remember Seliph. Much like the Leif example above, this is now considered a Discredited Meme come June 2020, where Seliph finally received an alt, and a Legendary one to boot.
  • Arvis (examples include spoilers for FE4):
    • Arvis's Best known feat note To be exact his burning Sigurd and his party to death at the end of part one. Whenever he and/or Sigurd are mentioned, there will usually be some remark about it, like "Arvis's Barbecue". His English voice actor even lampshaded it in a Tweet.
    • Arvis did nothing wrong. Explanation Due to Sigurd's Tier-Induced Scrappy status (having three top tier versions, one of which is the only cavalry dancer in the game and another of which is the meta-breaking Legendary Sigurd, the most dominating Aether Raids unit in the game's history) some players like to jokingly suggest that maybe Arvis's killing of him was actually pretty understandable.
  • Twin Brother Is Now Twin Sister! note Larcei's brother originally was named Scathach, the female combat teacher of Cu Chulainn, but then, when the Holy War characters were brought into Fire Emblem Awakening Spotpass scenarios, his name was changed into Ulster. When Heroes was released, some of the name changes were reversed back to the original (eg: Raquesis back to Lachesis), but some like Larcei and Ulster remained the same as in Choose Your Legends. But shortly after the release of CYL4 heroes, someone changed Ulster back into Scathach, as seen in the dialogues of Larcei and Shannan. This causes many people to think that Larcei's twin brother (whatever his name is) just had a change in gender (especially since Larcei didn't get reverted to her original male name Lakche/Luchtaine).
  • SHE. DOESN'T. HAVE. FURY! note A follow-up to the original game's "She. Has. FURY!" meme. When Erinys (original name: Fury/Ferry) was included into the game... she didn't come with any variants of Fury skill, if you insist, you have to use the Sacred Seal of it on her or inherit the skill from someone else. But as unfortunate as it may, the Fawful quote cannot be repeated full force.

    Elibe (The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade)

  • "You may wonder what I am doing, standing here, right now. I am waiting for time to pass—peacefully." note One of the things that King Zephiel can say when you talk to him on the home screen. Many fans have taken a shine to it, and consider it tradition to post a picture of the quote on social media while waiting for something involving the game, most notably during maintenance hours where the game can't be played at all.
  • Narcian's hilarious damaged portrait has become a meme, and it's popular to draw fanart of other characters with that expression.
  • Nino:
    • "I'll do my best!" Explanation Nino says this when selected on the maps or learning a skill. The fact that she's a fairly powerful unit means this line may be heard quite often. Her voice actress, Sarah Blandy, is aware of this memetic Catchphrase and has taken to using it as a hashtag on Twitter whenever she brings up something related to Nino.
    • "Bet ya didn't know that, did ya?!" Explanation The release of Nino: Pale Flower came with that new memetic line (very similar to one of Felicia's memetic quotes), coming from one of her lines on the status screen (and featured in the "Scattered Fangs" trailer) where she says "A horse with wings is called a pegasus!" before it. It's used whenever Nino is brought up along with an incredibly obvious fact.
    • "Nino? She's trash! Garbage! Human refuse!" note One of Sonia's quotes about Nino, which is quoted by some who have difficulty using Nino as a unit or are overall unsatisfied with her stats and overall performance.
  • Lloyd is a meth addict. Explanation Lloyd's art makes him look older and more haggard than he did in his home game, resulting in this joke.
  • Bartre appearing where he's least wanted or expected. He's been spotted in images appearing from colorless stones, the free Brave Heroes, and even other games such as Pokémon GO and Fate/Grand Order.
  • Hector:
    • "Oho!" note One of Hector's selected phrases has dramatically grown in meme popularity, to the point where it's counted as Hector's unofficial Catchphrase. Alternatively it's used in this form: "'Oho' intensifies." This later became an Ascended Meme, with Legendary Hector's 4+ stat level up quote starting with "Oho!" and the same thing is said during Brave Hector's 'Learn/Inherit Skill' quote.
    • Hector always stays relevant. note Hector is one of the few units added from the games launch that is always, regardless of Power Creep, a strong unit that everyone wants. The fact he has one of the best A skills, great stats, and in general has the ability to improve with each new summoning focus, has made him a memetic badass for how relevant he has been. This leads to memes about how strong Hector is and how useful he is. This was taken even further after the reveal of a Quick Riposte seal - a skill which is built into Hector's weapon and the seal was initially considered to make him less relevant. As it turns out, giving Hector the seal was found to make him even more dangerous when combined with the right skills. It's to the point where the only characters able to reliably Power Creep him... are his own Valentine's Day and Legendary counterparts. Predictably, his Brave variant is widely considered the best lance unit in the game by a good margin, to the point of displacing other lance armors to be below him. and then Brave Hector got one of the best weapon refines.Then Halloween Hector (duo with Lilina) came around to break the game balance with the first Duo skill. In summary, Hector isn't leaving the metagame any time soon.
    • "Armads." note During the Love Abounds event, the rest of the major Elibe characters show up to the event wielding typical event joke weapons. Hector?... He brings his legendary weapon. In-universe. His deadpan, straight delivery of the answer to being asked what he brought as a weapon became instantly memetic, helped by Hector being a bit of a meme himself to start with.
    • X Armads note With Legendary Hector's unexpected release, alongside with his Thunder Armads, many fans states that for every new Hector released, a new Armads gets released as well, with some absurd ones from fans being Giga Armads, Sword Armads, Dagger Armads etc.
    • Seductive "Oho" note One of Resplendent Hector's voice lines is a rather smooth variant of his memetic "Oho!"
  • Lyn:
    • "The enemy!" note One of Brave Lyn's lines when she is selected has her say this, which, like Hector above, is being counted as her unofficial catchphrase. Bonus points for Lyn sharing a voice actress with Fuuka, who also had a tendency to say that exact line in battle.
      • "The enemy is everything!"/"Magic is the enemy!" note Brave Lyn is a meta-wise powerful ranged horseback unit just like Reinhardt. So their phrases often get combined to show off their "Gods of the Meta" credentials and that you will have a hard time counting Arena battles where you're not fighting a team without any of them or both in it. Gets even more hilarious when a character named Linhardt who very much looks like a fusion between both characters is slated to appear in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
    • Legendary Lyn in Find and Vote. Explanation Find and Vote Heroes was widely seen as an event where people could vote for units that had amazing skills to inherit, mostly because of the disappointingly random nature of the subsequent summon that this event would generate. However, while everyone expected a unit like Legendary Hector or Surtr to take the spot of the Green hero in the Find and Vote event, Legendary Lyn ended up stealing that place to everyone's confusion and shock. As the other three Find and Vote winners are very powerful, some people thought that getting Lyn in the special summoning banner of Find and Vote is unlucky.
      • Speed Tactic won Find and Vote. note Many theorized that it was because Legendary Lyn was among the first heroes to appear on the Find and Vote Heroes starting screen and that many players, out of laziness or ignorance that they could in fact make the screen scroll, ended up picking her by default. In comparison to the other winners, she has nothing going for herself aside from the (at that time) rare Speed Tactic skill, hence the joke.
      • Also, as the Find and Vote banner is the first and so far only banner with yellow orbs, yellow orbs had been associated with Legendary Lyn.
    • Lyn's Alts/Lyn Emblem. note Lyn is notorious for having a lot of alts in the Fire Emblem Heroes, about as much as Camilla does with a total of seven so far: Normal, Bridal, Brave, Valentine's, Legendary, Summer, and Ninja (duo with Florina). This has been very controversial in the community, with many people complaining that Lyn has too many alts.
    • Wolt vs Lyn note During the Beach Battle Ballot, Wolt defeated Lyn during Round 2, giving him a spot in the finals against Ursula, when most people didn't predict either of the boys (him and Helbindi) to even get past Round 1. For a comparison, Wolt is an infamously weak unit in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and only has one mandatory line (which makes him extremely forgettable), while Lyn won first place in CYL1, and has a bikini to boot, making people think that she would have easily beat Wolt. Memes ensue from this battle. He ended up losing against Ursula in the finals, which is still a better performance than what his reputation suggests.
  • Lilina:
    • SAAAAAAAAD Lilina. note Thanks to a fanart of Lilina which contains happy and sad faces of her, the last two panels becomes easily exploitable to showcase good events and bad events and Lilina's reactions to it. For example.
    • If Lilina can get a legendary alt, then so can X. Explanation Near the end of December 2020, Lilina was announced as the 26th Legendary Hero, and the fifth non-lord/avatar to do so, something that became very divisive amongst the fanbase, despite her story relevance in The Binding Blade, the fact that previous non-lord/avatar characters have already gotten one before, and the game having very few main series lords left without a legendary alt (Claude, Sigurd, and Micaiah) at the time. However, in light of this, it did lead to many players making predictions of other non-lord/avatar characters getting Legendary alts (Especially if Lilina herself is taken into account), with Caeda, Soren, and Xander being notable candidates. While this isn't a new thing, you're bound to here this line quite often every time there's a discussion about predicting the next legendary hero.
  • Roy's Legendary version has a couple
    • Racist Roy. note When Roy's Legendary version was released, he came with a skill called Human Virtue, with beneficial effects worded to specifically exclude Dragons and Beasts. This did not go unnoticed.
    • IT'S LIT, FAM! *DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB* #SquadGoals! note Also during Legendary Roy's release, when Ray Chase (Roy's voice actor) posted Legendary Roy's full in-game artwork on Twitter, someone wanted to hear Ray Chase say "it's lit, fam" in Roy's voice. Ray Chase fulfilled their request and replied with the above tweet. Afterwards, the voice clip in question immediately became meme material.
  • Eliwood's Legendary unit and his unique Vision of Arcadia skill note Grants attack and defense bonuses to the highest attack ally only if there's a beast or dragon unit on the team, essentially an inversion of Roy's Human Virtue caused an evolution of the above-mentioned Racist Roy meme, depicting Roy as going through teenage rebellion against his more progressive father, typically including Eliwood demanding that Roy apologize to Ninian.
  • Fjorm and Fiora's Forging Bonds conversations have been a source of a lot of memes, notably because of Fiora calling Fjorm out because of her skirt being too short. People bemusedly link this moment to Fiora's Summer alt where she doesn't even wear a skirt at all to begin with. As well as this, people have jokingly called Fiora a slut shamer, shutting down anything remotely lewd, or jokingly said is lewd, such as hand-holding.
  • That one ? in the Log. note It's Larum. Due to her banner having just been randomly released without a story chapter, paralogue or even Tempest accompanying it, and her status as a dancer (the AI doesn't use dancers in randomly generated levels), and there being generally better dancer choices in PvP, she's EXCEEDINGLY rare. As such, many players still have one ? Mark in their hero logs that isn't even a shadow, due to the inability to fight her or summon her.
  • Kentucky Fried Fae note On top of the preexisting chicken jokes, this began circulating in response to Fae receiving a Legendary alt.

    Magvel (The Sacred Stones)

  • Ephraim:
    • Ephraim's suspiciously specific "Disgusting " quote about people spreading lies about him and his sister Eirika's relationship. It eventually mutated into a series-wide affair: for example.
    • X Siegmund note With Winter Ephraim's announcement, like Hector and his Armads, players say that whenever there is an Ephraim released, a new variant of Siegmund is released as well, the only outlier being his Brave variant, which is part of another meme in itself.
    • EphraimDev note A nickname that many fans give to Shingo Matsushita (the Nintendo director of Fire Emblem Heroes) based on this interview with him and Kouhei Maeda (The Intelligent Systems director of Fire Emblem Heroes), where he cited he was a huge fan of Ephraim. Generally, fans say something along the lines of "EphraimDev is at it again" whenever Ephraim is involved in any sort of way.
    • "I don't pick fights that I can't win." note The Badass Boast quote from Ephraim becomes a meme after Brave Ephraim managed to beat all of the CYL5 winners, Brave Eirika, Brave Marianne, Brave Marth and Gatekeeper in the August 2021 Voting Gauntlet.
  • Myrrh:
  • Due to his disheveled long hair and overall creepy attitude, fans have begun comparing Valter to Tommy Wiseau. "Oh hai, Marth!"
  • Knoll got robbed. note Once it was revealed that Eirika got a variant that has Gleipnir as her personal weapon, a lot of fans were REALLY displeased that she took a spot in the Sacred Memories Banner instead of Knoll, even though he is the supposed canon wielder of Gleipnir AND has plot-importance within the story.
    • Grado got robbed! note A small continuation of the Knoll got robbed meme, whereas Brave Ephraim's weapon turned out to be Garm, which is also a Grado-based weapon and most likely would've been equipped by Duessel.
    • Feh got robbed too! note During the January 30th Feh Channel stream, Feh was excited to eat her birthday cake. Unfortunately, as the video progressed, the Order of Heroes (and Effie) proceeded to eat her entire cake without her. Fans near universally joke as if this was a Moral Event Horizon for at least Effie (the first to try to eat the cake), sending her home as retribution.
    • Somewhat confirmed in that with Book 5's release, Knoll... was given a few generic skills and a generic tome.
  • Orson:
    • Just Monica. note Orson, who was added as a Grand Hero Battle, had a (dead) wife named Monica. People who also played Doki Doki Literature Club! were quick to match the syllables of "Monica" to "Monika", who birthed her own "Just Monika." meme.
    • Corpse Husband note Orson is sometimes called this (after the popular musician and internet personality Corpse Husband) due to his love for Monica even when she is a resurrected corpse. Popularized by a video by FE YouTuber Pheonixmaster.
  • "Congrats to Lyn for winning CYL5!" note Lyn already won Choose Your Legends; this meme is about Brave Eirika when her art was revealed. As her hair was in a long ponytail and her hair color is very close to green, the fans ran with the joke that Lyn won Choose Your Legends twice.

    Tellius (Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn)

  • Ike:
    • Ike the thot slayer. Explanation Ike beat Camilla in the Choose Your Legends Voting Gauntlet. Camilla has a fanservicey design and lots of support. This has given Ike the nickname THOT SLAYER, and memes focusing on the fight between them is called THOT SLAYED. Exercise caution using this one, though, as many people feel it feeds into Slut-Shaming and thus take offense to it. Additionally, due to this meme, people started discrediting another similar non-FE exclusive meme "BEGONE, THOT" out of disgust.
    • Bike. note Brave Ike can be shortened into 'Bike', and thus fans like to add on bike jokes on him, like the 'stole my bike' joke from Punch-Out!!
      • Following naming conventions, Vanguard Ike has been named "Trike" or alternatively "Like" (Legendary Ike).
  • Burger King. note Fan Nickname of the Black Knight, as the initials "B K" match, and so Black Knight often gets to replace the Burger King, promoting burgers in joke arts, sometimes even dragging along Gwendolyn , since her Japanese name is 'Wendy', also similar with a fast food chain.
    • The $4 Burger King meal. note There's a bonus pack for $3.99 USD which includes 12 Orbs, 12 Stamina Potions, 12 Light's Blessings, and 1 5-Star Black Knight. People have compared it to a fast food combo, and deemed it a 'Burger King' meal because of the Black Knight.
  • Oliver saved us from the drought. note After a lack of new content for quite a while in January 2018, a new update was launched, starring characters from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Senator Oliver is among said characters as a Grand Hero boss. Combining his existing memetic Ensemble Dark Horse status with a new audience and hilarious damaged artwork that shows him in all his Fan Disservice glory promptly led to him being hailed as the savior of new Heroes content.
    • Oliver died for our sins. note Oliver's wounded sprite is apparently a 'serene' Crucified Hero Shot and in combination of his memetic status makes him look like he's saving the players like Jesus.
    • Now an Ascended Meme, as Oliver's new personal tome features an animation of an angelic version of him with Holy Backlight, white robes and wings in the same pose, descending from the heavens to attack.
  • Micaiah:
    • Micaiah Fights Cancer. note With the advent of Aether Raids, the most common enemies that show up on defense teams are cavalry, such as Reinhardt, Brave Lyn and Veronica, and armors, such as Legendary Tiki, any form of Hector and Surtr. Micaiah in either of her variants has effective damage against both cavalry and armor, and as such is an exceptionally useful unit on any offense team. This trend continues with Micaiah's third variant, and in fact takes it up to eleven; between all three variants, Micaiah now covers the entire Weapon Triangle. With Bridal Micaiah, who's a colorless mage, it now allows a full Micaiah Emblem that always busts armors and horses, covering all colors as well. Legend Micaiah is, like her Bridal variant, a colorless armorhorsebuster, keeping the trend alive.
    • Micaiah groomed Sothe for marriage. note Micaiah and Sothe were already a controversial pairing in Radiant Dawn because Micaiah was Sothe's Parental Substitute, which some believe makes their relationship feel too much like Wife Husbandry. When Micaiah and Sothe were revealed to have Bridal alts as a Duo unit, some people, whether jokingly or not, started calling her a child groomer.
  • Zelgius, where's Alondite? note Around the time the "Battle with Fjorm" quests started, it seems that all iterations of Zelgius always had a weapon other than his own weapon, Alondite. Zanbato, Brave Sword+, Silver Sword+... This is taken even further in the Valentine Tempest Trials, in which Zelgius wields no weapon at all. This could not go unnoticed. Became Hilarious in Hindsight when Altina, the original wielder of Alondite and Ragnell, joined Heroes, leading to further mutations that she stole back Alondite.
  • Soren's Harem note Given the popularity of Ike/Soren as a pairing, the fact that it is possible to build a team with Soren and three variants of Ike has not gone unnoticed by fans, with several jokes and fanart running with the idea. Made even more relevant with Soren's new weapon refine, where his stats increase the more allies he is adjacent to.
  • "Wah!" Explanation Halloween Mia says this incredibly awkwardly as she attacks. It's been compared to Waluigi, and has become something of a catch phrase for her.
  • "You called me a dark god again!" note Yune does not like being called a "dark god". Unfortunately, her Mythic affinity is Dark. The Irony has not gone unnoticed by the fanbase.
  • *growl builds to a crescendo* Explanation The subtitle for one of Bertram's special lines where he growls ferociously at his foe. Despite the growl itself being intimidating, the subtitle is so ridiculous that it was memed in seconds, especially when similar special lines are not subtitled that way.

    Ylisse (Awakening)

  • Jokes about Winter Tharja only being able to move one space because she's out in the snow while wearing what amounts to lingerie.
  • Dark Olivia note Created by this post which led to an entire saga of Olivia's corruption to the dark side as a result of equipping the infamous Wo Dao.
  • Robin's abs. note Specifically, Fallen Robin's abs, shown off rather blatantly in his "damaged" artwork. In spite of one of Grima's throwaway lines cursing his human host's frailty, Fallen Robin is rather shredded.
  • "I'm being helpful!" note Branded King Chrom has an... interesting voice line for his special activation.
  • Grima:
    • Grima the Babysitter note Due to Fallen Male Robin's powerful synergy with other dragon units thanks to his Ward Dragons skill, many jokes have sprung up depicting the Fell Dragon as a protective if reluctant babysitter to the younger looking manakete characters, particularly Fae. With the advent of armored dragons that weren't Male Grima, Female Grima also fell victim to this due to being a potential Guidance user to ferry the other dragons across the map.
    • Grima the Sole Colorless Legendary note Starting from Legendary Robin's release in late March 2018, she held the distinction of appearing on every Legendary banner that followed for 9 months in a row due to there being no other Colorless Legendary Heroes. It wasn't until Eir (a Mythic Dagger unit) was introduced at the beginning of Book III that this finally stopped... but started again for Legendary Hero Remix banners, as Female Grima remains the only old Colorless Legendary that does not have a "Duel"-type blessing.
    • Submit to Grima note Both male and female Fallen Robin got hit hard with Evil Is Sexy, leading to most posts with either of them having fans agree to join Grima due to looks alone. After the Halloween banner of 2020, this meme came back with a vengeance for obvious reasons.
    • Grima has a sweet tooth note Starting from clever use of a username and a Friend Unit visit message, Legendary Robin (possessed by Grima) briefly had a meme of liking pudding, which some artists ran away with in addition to depicting her with general sweets. Come October 2020, Halloween Robin was introduced with a fondness for sweets, and her attempts to deny it are both miserable and hilarious. Yes, the Big Bad Eldritch Abomination of Awakening having a sweet tooth became an Ascended Meme.
  • Morgan and Morgan, for the people. note A Bound Hero Battle featuring both genders of Morgan quickly spawned jokes related to the Morgan&Morgan company, usually accompanied with Downhill's humoristic montages.
  • The all females banner note Due to Viewer Gender Confusion of Libra (who is actually male), some players, especially those who did not experience Awakening yet, thought that the "Ylissean Travelers" banner was this when it was announced. Like in his home game, both his voice actors (Cindy Robinson and Megumi Yamato) being female and his feminine appearance did not help quench the confusion.

    Hoshido/Nohr (Fates)

  • The way the Omega Yato looks in this game inspires even more Corrin and corn comparisons.
  • New Years Takumi and Soup jokes. Explanation While Takumi's title is referencing how Miso soup is his favorite food, many people immediately linked it to the soup conversation in Code Ment. Why? Thanks to this video that came out about two years before.
  • Warrior Princess. Explanation Hinoka, Blue Sky Warrior, has her own bow named "Warrior Princess". While the naming was not met with the highest of praises, it did spawn edits of Hinoka firing herself as an arrow, as her original version was known as "Warrior Princess".
  • "I'm Siegbert!" Explanation Each of the children characters from Fates, with the exception of the Kanas, Selkie and Velouria, have a voice line in which they say their own name upon being selected on the map, a nod to how their fixed parents have voice lines saying their childrens' names in order to avoid pronunciation problems. These lines were deemed to be some of the most obnoxious in the game, Siegbert's in particular, due to how the line is said, being mocked to high heaven.
  • The Transfiguration of Odin Dark! Explanation Odin's ridiculous tier jump in the September 12th, 2018 Gamepedia tier list update (from B, which was the lowest of any blue mage except Ursula, to S-, with only Bridal Ninian, a flying dancer, and Love Abounds Lyn, an armored mage, being higher tier) thanks to his exclusive weapon.
  • Fury Master Explanation While Hinata is only an average unit compared to many other sword infantry heroes, he is more desired to summon strictly for his A skill Fury 3 (+3 in all stats for 6 damage recoil after a battle) for skill inheritance, which he has unlocked at four star rarity, while others who have the skill requires them to be at five star rarity, being expensive for players who want Fury 3 but did not summon any Hinatas to fodder off. This was later acknowledged from the A Day in the Life manga, where in Chapter 10 the summoner calls him as such, instead of his actual name. This has become even more relevant now that Hinata's personal weapon can be refined with the Fury 3 effect, making him one of 3 units (alongside Eldigan and Bartre) to be able to essentially have Fury 6.
  • NEVER FORGET THAT YOU CHOSE THIS PATH. YOU CHOSE DEATH AND DEFEAT. YOU CHOSE DOOM. Explanation Garon's intro to his Grand Hero Battle is taken from Birthright, where he says this as a blight dragon. With just his normal portrait, it turns into extreme Narm. As a result people have been using this as a response to people doing something that they'll end up regretting later, whether they're aware they will or not.
  • Drunk Kagero Explanation Upon seeing Halloween Kagero revealed, many were confused as to why she is an armor unit in spite of wearing a maid outfit that was exactly the same as Felicia and Flora's. After considering the bottles of booze she carries in a bucket of ice and uses as her weapon, fans immediately claimed that she was drunk, describing how she frequently goes into drunken rants about how her base Infantry self had gotten grossly powercrept, and that she had returned with a vengeance as a coveted Armor unit with a high BST, strong weapon, and powerful skills.
  • The Cult of Dreams Explanation Due to the dissonant sincerity of all the characters about dreams in the banner trailer, as well as all of them wear near-identical white clothing, players believe that all of them joined a cult, lead by Anankos. Given that who lead this cult actually did something similar to this in canon...
  • Camilla the Hoshidan Explanation Despite being Nohrian, Camilla has 3 of her versions be in the Hoshidan-primary banners "Happy New Year!", "Adrift", and "Hostile Springs" lineups, which led to jokes about Camilla secretly being Hoshidan as well.
  • Camilla's alts/Camilla Emblem. Explanation Much like Lyn above, Camilla holds eight alts so far: the base Camilla, Spring, New Year, Summer, Adrift, Hot Spring, Brave, and Pirate (albeit as the cheerleader for Hinoka). This has also been very controversial among the community, especially for those who wanted a stop to Camilla alts, yet managed to give her 2nd place in CYL 3, giving another alt.
    • Corrin Emblem. Explanation Similarly, Corrin has the most alts in the entire game, with a total of nine: both the base male and female Corrins, Summer Female Corrin, New Year Male Corrin, Adrift variants of both, both variants of Fallen Corrin, and Legendary Female Corrin. Like Camilla and Lyn, Corrin was criticized for having too many alts.
      • "But Male and Female Corrin are separate characters!" Explanation A common argument against people who don't like Corrin (and by extension Robin) alts.
  • Corrin's refine Explanation Despite being a mediocre unit since launch, requiring a LOT of skill inheritance to use her, and having been powercrept by later dragons, she still doesn't have a personal refinable weapon, despite many other less-relevant units and even some newer units having gotten access to them over time. Being the ONLY main protagonist ever released without a legendary weapon makes it even more jarring. The meme was put to rest on July 2020, when the 4.7.0 update finally gave a personal weapon and refine for Female Corrin.
  • Bright Naginata+ Explanation Shiro's personal weapon consistently gets powercrept hard by new, inheritable variants that feature superior effects or a refine that makes them offensively stronger, which has fans often demand that Shiro get a refine to catch up again with the competition.
  • "Fallen" Corrin Explanation The "Darkness Within" banner is a follow up from previous year's Fallen Heroes, which features characters under some in-universe demonic possession. However, Female Corrin is featured in this banner despite not being possessed at any point of Fates' story. Instead, her Fallen alt is based on the chapter where she went berserk at the loss of her mother.
    • "Fallen" Corrin has a stomach problem. Explanation The way this Corrin is drawn makes it look like she is sick, and not in a feral state like how she seemed to be trying to convey. This becomes more apparent when compared to how Male Fallen Corrin is drawn. Combined with how she almost looks like she is holding her stomach, people often joke she is just not feeling well. She can be put together with Brave Celica's injured art as the Indigestion Duo.
  • Much like Valter in Sacred Stones above, Iago also came with disheveled hair, thus people saw him as the second coming of Tommy Wiseau. "O hai Marx!" Explanation Xander's Japanese name
  • Worth waiting 25 turns Explanation Toward the end of April 2021, Legendary Ryoma was announced to be receiving some new skills. On top of that, a few days later, IS announced they would be giving refines to all of the Book 1 weapons with built-in Distant Counter, Raijinto included. Since this means Legendary Ryoma is getting a total of three buffs in one update, people began comparing it to the infamous "waiting 25 turns" meme from his boss fight in Conquest — except this time they said it was well worth the wait.
  • Kaden: Kaden Explanation Kaden, who should have "Kitsune Braggart" as his title, was typoed as "Kaden: Kaden" during an upcoming skill banner (compared to Brave Camilla and Lilith, who had their actual titles with them).
  • Charlotte finally gets to remove her wedding dress! Explanation After nearly 5 years of Charlotte only being playable in her Bridal variant, her original version was finally announced to be summonable in Book V, Chapter 9's story banner alongside Nyx, Orochi, and Nifl, much to the universal delight of players who've been playing since the start.

    Fódlan (Three Houses)

  • Byleth has been hit with quite a few memes since the release of the first Three Houses banner:
    • The Creator Sword. note Byleth's weapon from the Three Houses banner completely nullifies all of an enemy's skills affecting follow-ups and special acceleration/blocking, making it arguably one of the most powerful weapons in the entire game. People then started making the description more absurd and sometimes even as overpowered as Feh's Talons, an April Fools joke.
    • This is...Requiem. Explanation (JoJo part 5 spoilers!) Creator Sword nullifies a massive amount of skills considered to be essential to most units, much like how Gold Experience Requiem can nullify any actions its enemy would have made. Considering that the episode featuring Gold Experience Requiem was animated only a little bit before Byleth was revealed, comparisons and memes ran rampant almost instantly, including snowclones of GER's quotes such as "You will never reach your special".
    • No. note Speaking of the Creator Sword's nullifying skill, some others just say that it nullifies just about everything.
      • In a similar vein, people have started referring to it as No U: the weapon.
    • Racist Byleth note Like Legendary Roy and Human Virtue, both versions of Byleth come with a new skill named Ruptured Sky, which boosts the attack of the user by 20%, or 40% if the user is against a beast or dragon opponent. Unlike Human Virtue, Ruptured Sky isn't exclusive, however, but since Byleth was the first unit to have this skill, they were called racist. It got worse with Byleth's Legendary version having Sundered Heaven, which is a stronger variant of Ruptured Sky.
    • Random Bullshit GO!!! note Legendary Byleth's Special attack animation involving him summoning a gust of wind that also carries along the various lost items of the students and faculty of Garreg Mach. Fans were quick to meme about the silliness of a finishing move tossing random junk at an opponent, as well as the similarity to a comic panel from Moon Knight.
  • Edelgard:
    • The fact that Edelgard's skillset makes her at her strongest when no allies are nearby has spawned even more edgelord jokes. Carries over to her Legendary version, which comes with multiple skills that work when she isn't near an ally.
      • Edelgard practices social distancing note In light of the COVID-19 pandemic plaguing all around the world, people are encouraged or requested to maintain distance from others in order to minimize the virus from spreading. Legendary Edelgard was released around the same time the virus went at large with a kit that heavily encourages her to be nowhere near her allies, leading to jokes she's simply following common real-life procedures.
      • Edelgard stuffs her bra note Whilst Edelgard in Three Houses is relatively flat-chested, Brave Edelgard in Heroes is given a Fanservice Pack by artist Cuboon, including prominent Boob Plate. This has led to jokes about how someone as lacking in assets as Edelgard can't possibly be filling out that armour naturally.
  • "No matter what the reason, it is evil to kill. I cannot forget that so easily." Explanation The reveal line for Dimitri in the Three Houses banner became Hilarious in Hindsight as almost everybody knew that he, after the time skip, plans to kill every last one of them, clearly contradicting that line.
  • Sothis:
    • Sothis and large objects. Explanation Sothis' regular art depicts her sitting on her throne and a giant sack for her regular and winter versions, respectively. This leads to jokes about Sothis hauling them around the map.
    • #SothisTweets Explanation For a day in the Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter, Winter Sothis took over Feh's role announcing the news, leading up to a distribution of summoning tickets to the three Christmas banners as her gift. Sothis quickly became a meme in the community, with some people being sad that she had to leave the Twitter.
    • Sothis took over FEH note As of the April 2nd, 2020 edition of Feh Channel, Cassandra Lee Morris, who is also Sothis' English voice actress, now voices Feh in the English version. This led to many fans to state that Sothis did not have enough with taking over the official Twitter account and now has become the game's mascot
  • The winners of CYL4 are Dimitri, Claude, Edelgard, and Female Byleth. Explanation Due to their massive popularity, some people expect the four of them to win CYL4 against others with large fanbases like Awakening Anna and Marth. The prediction turned out to be 75% accurate, since Female Byleth got 7th place (4th place for females) and the 2nd place spot was taken by Lysithea.
  • Seteth:
    • How hard is IS going to ruin Seteth? note Fans have expressed their worry about how underwhelming of a kit Seteth could possibly receive due to how many male wyvern riders from Grand Hero Battles having received one in the past. Now Hilarious in Hindsight when the Goddess's Servants banner would feature Seteth as a demote, who tend to be underwhelming units. However, said banner would also give him his Spear of Assal, which boosts the Atk and Spd of him and his allies, as well as neutralizing any Atk and Spd bonuses on the foe as long as he's near said allies, and he gets a decent base kit with Brazen Atk/Spd and Drive Atk. As such, while he isn't supremely overpowered, he also wasn't completely ruined, making him a pretty good supporting unit that can also put up a fight, and is seen by many as a great unit by demote standards.
    • Buff Seteth Explanation Fans were quick to note upon Seteth's release that his art, in particular his damaged art, shows him to have quite the Heroic Build. Certain fans took this and ran away with it, sometimes cranking his musculature Up to Eleven.
  • Due to how his art shows him with two drinks, but his injured art shows only one, Summer Sylvain quickly became the source of memes as people edited him to appear like he was having his drink thrown back at him.
  • The Azure Moon Gauntlet Explanation (Spoilers!) The Brave Reprisal Voting Gauntlet in September 2020 has the candidates be the three house leaders go up against each other, with Brave Claude knocked out in the second round by Brave Dimitri, and the final round ending with Brave Edelgard and Brave Dimitri going up against each other, with the final rounds with the multiplier in Dimitri's favor, even though he has the lesser support at the beginning of the final round. Naturally, this has been compared with the Azure Moon route in Three Houses, where Claude was defeated in Gronder Field by Dimitri and later retreats to Almyra, and the ending with Dimitri kills Edelgard in self defense at the end of the Azure Moon route. Even the last cutscene was jokingly used to describe the final hour of that Voting Gauntlet.
  • Winter Bernadetta's attack animation has her conjure up a house to shut herself inside in, letting the raging blizzard deal with her enemy instead. Comparisons were instantly made to other media where houses were deadly or played a major role, such as the Hell House, or building in Minecraft.
  • HildaTweets Explanation Like in 2019, someone else took over Feh's Twitter in December 2020, namely Hilda. Like Sothis, this event eventually lead to another summoning ticket giveaway, and people were eventually sad when she left.
    • Feh's DMs Explanation Just before HildaTweets, Fire Emblem Heroes reminded people that regardless of the DM function being open, the staff won't respond to sent DMs regarding Fire Emblem Heroes matters, leading up to an event where Hilda and other Three Houses characters gave cards to people via the DM feature. This eventually got people to get creative with their DMs to Feh and/or Hilda, requesting various stuff, sending them memes, or asking completely unrelated questions.
    • During Hilda's time in the Twitter, there have been many people commenting in her posts about rather NSFW requests regarding her.
  • Bravekeeper Explanation Choose Your Legends 5 introduced the Gatekeeper as a unit that can be voted. Thus, many players voted Gatekeeper for the meme, eventually propelling him to win CYL5.
    • Gatekeeper has something to report! Explanation A variation on the Gatekeeper's catchphrase, referencing his popularity in CYL5.
    • Gatekeeper brought the entire gate with him. Explanation Gatekeeper's regular art goes the extra mile. Rather than just having him standing, he has the gate of Garreg Mach Monastery behind him and he's surrounded by several animals that roam the monastery. Better yet, his weapon, Charging Horn summons the gate for his attack.
  • Dedue: "No." Explanation Dedue's very basic simple quote which was used as a Critical Quote. It finds use in a lot of ridiculous manners, being considered one of the most absurdly best critical quote ever.
  • Leonie is top tier. Explanation One of Summer Leonie's quotes is proclaiming she's top tier. Naturally this lead to people quickly making tier lists and placing her at the top, or making gameplay tier lists and putting her at the top. Ironically enough, Summer Leonie is, at the time of her release, one of the best non-Legendary/Brave/Mythic archers, so in a sense she is right.
  • Marianne: "Is this a mount?" Explanation Marianne's weapon gives her extra boosts if she's within three spaces of a flying of cavalry ally, meant to reference her affinity for caring for animals. Trouble is, this also works for flying and cavalry units whose mounts don't need to be living beings... or even exist.


  • Xander protecting Lucina in the opening movie and his continued presence by Veronica's side due to her lonely nature has spawned many 'Dad Xander' jokes, including his father's own memetic "You are my child now." line.
  • There are more ____ than there are Sacred Stones/Radiant Dawn/Thracia 776 characters. note In response to the lack of characters from Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn, and Thracia 776 other than the ones from the "Family Bonds" and "Sibling Bonds" focuses, the fanbase decided to roll with how many things in Heroes surpass the amount of characters from those games. Now a Discredited Meme now that more characters from those games are available.
  • Phantom Thief Innes. note The reveal that Innes is voiced by Xander Mobus and Jun Fukuyama immediately sparked jokes involving Joker and the Phantom Thieves.
    • Sigurd will never see it coming. note Xander Mobus also ends up voicing Arvis, and the nature of the Battle of Belhalla comes off like a complete surprise like the lyrics of "Last Surprise" imply, so the Phantom Thief/Joker joke can be applied to Arvis too.
  • Players tend to play along with "Marth's" and Performing Arts Azura's Paper-Thin Disguises, as well as Zelgius's blatant Late-Arrival Spoiler reveal as the Black Knight, making posts wondering who these "mysterious people" really are.
  • "______ Draug" note Many fans have taken notice to a number of characters who bare some resemblance to Draug, namely being green-haired, sword-wielding, blue armored males, and have started naming them variations of "something" Draug. Such examples being Sexy/Young Draug (Alm), Thin Draug (Luke), and Scary Draug (Arden).
    • Girl Marth note The same meme exists with Marth who have set the appearance trends for Fire Emblem main characters. Yet actual Marth is labeled "Girl Marth" and Lucina (who impersonated Marth in her game) is called "Marth".
  • Ayra = Edgy Eirika note Both of them share the same artist with similar armor (just different colors) and known to have flowing long hair, but because Ayra's gruff, no-nonsense and tomboyish personality and dark hair contrast with Eirika's kind, graceful and a bit naive personality and light blue hair, Ayra is jokingly thought as Eirika who's in an edgy phase.
  • "[Then] Perish!" note The Fallen Heroes banner features a possessed Celica who shouts this line as one of her specials. The similarity to a meme of a bizarre role play featuring former US president Barack Obama did not go unnoticed.
    • "Sorry, but I can't perish right now!" note As a response, people have used Ike's deadpan snarker response to Bertram in Path of Radiance.
  • "It's high Noontime..." note Shigure shares his voice actor (Matthew Mercer) with the character Cassidy from Overwatch. In that game Cassidy's ultimate triggers the voiceline "It's high noon" to play, and Shigure's base kit comes with the special skill Noontime. Many fans saw it as a humorous coincidence and the meme stuck.
    • Shinon introduced a new bow exclusive inheritable Special called Deadeye, the exact same name as Cassidy's ultimate. Slap it on Legendary Chrom, also voiced by Matthew Mercer, and the jokes write themselves.
  • "Gunnthrá killed Canas" / using Gunnthrá to defeat Canas in battles. Note (spoilers for Blazing Blade) Canas' ending in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade notes that he and his unnamed wife perished while trying to stop a snowstorm and Gunnthrá's unique weapon is a tome simply called 'Blizzard', leading to fans making jokes that it was actually Gunnthrá that killed Canas. When Canas was actually added to Heroes the jokes only increased in popularity and quantity.
  • The arrival of Quan with Gae Bolg and his eventual fate has brought in Nasuverse memes (thanks to their own gacha game rivaling Heroes), namely involving a certain Lancer in a blue skin-tight outfit. The meme usually takes form in variations of "Quan died!" "You aren't human!"
  • Fire Emblem Heroes: World of Light note Moments after Book 3's Teaser at the end of November 7, 2018's Feh Channel, people compared it to the "World of Light" mode from Smash Bros Ultimate, due to the headline "That day, the light died".
  • Due to the Book of Shadows resembling a pack of playing cards, jokes have been made about Adrift Azura being a Yu-Gi-Oh! player.
  • Eiriana Grande note As soon as Eir was revealed, some fans quickly took notice of how her hairstyle made her resemble the singer Ariana Grande and jokes were made almost instantly. Hilarious in Hindsight as Ariana herself had actually made an appearance in another gacha game.
  • Usually serious characters having bright smiles, leading people to declare that they will protect those smiles. Examples include Winter Cecilia and Valentine's Titania.
  • Avenge the fallen. note As soon as this meme template spread, it has been used in context of several losses in Fire Emblem Heroes. One includes characters that died or are set to die in the story of the game. Another involves an April 2019 update that removed Gen 1 5-star exclusive units from New and Special Heroes banners, including those which were mainly used as fodder for valuable skills, such as Hector for Distant Counter, Takumi for Close Counter, and Brave Ike for Steady Breath.
  • There are plenty of crossover memes with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
    • Stand users in FEH note This case started with both Fallen Robin and Legendary Robin, as Grima is reminiscent of a Stand and their portraits look like poses from that series. In addition, the Fallen Robins were called the Hierophant, and there was a stand called Hierophant Green...making their Stand Hierophant Grima. This returned with Brave Micaiah and Fallen Berkut, thanks to their spirits (Yune and Rinea). Their fight in the "Brave Rivalries" voting gauntlet has been compared to a fight in JoJo, spawning a lot of fanart overlapping then over JoJo scenes (namely Jotaro and Dio walking towards each other). This meme saw another resurgence with the addition of heroes from Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, whose mirages are highly reminiscent of Stands.
    • Ike the breathing master/"Ike is a Hamon master!" note Ike's Brave, Legendary and Fallen alts all come with a variant of the Breath-type skill for their default build's A slot (Steady Breath for Brave Ike, Warding Breath for Legendary Ike, and Darting Breath for Fallen Ike). The only exception being Fierce Breath that is used by Legendary Tiki, although it can be given to Ike through Skill Inheritance. This spawned a meme of Ike being a Hamon user, as Hamon is powered by breathing.
    • Garon goes "WRYYY!" Explanation Garon's attack pose along with how he had his voice actor changed from Travis Willingham to Patrick Seitz opened the floodgates for DIO-related jokes.
    • KONO EITRI DA! Explanation (Major Book V Spoilers!) On June 5, 2021, the trailer for Book V: The False Monarch dropped. Eitri's face is zoomed in on letting out a Slasher Smile as Reginn commits a Heroic Sacrifice for Alfonse with a face that would make people think she's one of Dio Brando's children.
  • Aqua in Fire Emblem note Thus far, Fire Emblem had several characters with the 'connections' with the Useless Goddess from KonoSuba, and all of them have been included in Heroes: Japanese voice of Eir, English voice of Petra and Japanese name of Azura. So if anyone is applying any Aqua memes, (either her crying or freaking out face), they would also use these characters for result.
  • Alfonse in The World That Never Was note In the Book IV - Realm of Nightmares cinematic, Alfonse is seen in a black area filled with modern skyscrapers, as a result of being in the Summoner's nightmare. People joked how Alfonse somehow got into Kingdom Hearts and is confronting the Nobodies of the same franchise. The fact that the Summoner is a hooded figure like most of the Nobodies and attacks Alfonse in the same scene didn't help.
  • Did Kelik debut in Heroes? note Kelik originated from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade romhack The Last Promise, in which he was notorious for being an edgy OC even by romhack standards, and his endgame title was "The Fairy King". Naturally, when an actual fairy king made an appearance in Heroes, jokes about Kelik debuting in Book IV were made. This meme had a minor resurgence after the December 2020 FEH channel, in which Feh introduces Caellach... and his name is pronounced exactly like Kelik's name is.
  • AHHHH! AFTER 10,000 YEARS, I'M FREE! IT'S TIME TO CONQUER ASKR! note Hel is voiced by Barbara Goodson, who voiced Rita Repulsa in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. With both of them being wicked villains, the jokes wrote themselves.
  • Freyja is the Cocogoat note When parallels between Freyja (who turns into a goat) and the character Ganyu's designs were drawn, the former also gained the Cocogoat nickname within the FEH fandom.
  • Tailtiu maining Jigglypuff note Tailtiu's blank eyes are often compared to be that of Jigglypuff's eyes, therefore making ways for jokes that she got those eyes because she got too close with Jigglypuff or mains it when playing Super Smash Bros..
  • Silesse is a Palla-verse note In Silesse, every Pegasus Knights, good or bad, always have one thing in common: Green hair (but not all women: Queen Rahna was black haired). And by this point, the Jugdral games' No Export for You status start to rear its head for the international players that they mistake not just Erinys, but everyone as a variant of Palla (the original green haired Pegasus Knight), enough that they think Silesse is a new world/universe filled with nothing but Pallas.
  • "Fool! Gatekeeper toots as he pleases!" note Unexpected to many players, Gatekeeper arrives with a green tome in the form of a horn that he toots to call upon the people of the monastery and attack the enemy. This made players reference the memetic shot of Doctor Doom tooting a horn, but it can also be used to reference Doom's DOOT meme.
  • It's been Eitri all along. Explanation (Major spoilers for WandaVision AND Book V!) When Book V, Chapter 6 revealed that Eitri was the true villain of the story, fans noted the similarities between her and Agatha Harkness from the show. As the twist villain of the show was a witch with a catchy Villain Song, fans were quick to compare Eitri to Agatha. It also doesn't help that Eitri was also the one who summoned Fáfnir in the first place with her imitation Breidablik, meaning that everything that happened within Book V really was all her doing.


  • After a Tumblr post of a player making a pentagram with Marth-related items in it in an attempt to "summon" Marth, many other players began doing the same for their favorite characters, often with the caption of "X come home".
  • Girl Pose™ note Referring to how the most common pose for the characters is placing one of their hands on their chest. Fans have noted that it is mostly used by female characters, though male examples crop up as well.
    • Guy Pose™ note Referring to how a common pose for male characters is to have one hand on their hip.
  • Fear Me note An image of Lissa with cropped versions of two skills, Fear and Mend). These memes only increased with the reveal that she uses an axe in Fire Emblem Warriors (which in turn is an Ascended Meme from the NUNSWITHAXES joke) and the healer update, where their weapons got upgrades and the weapon refinery could give them built-in Wrathful Staff.
  • Desperation 3. note Shanna's upstart victory in the Short-haired Ladies vs. Long-haired Gents Voting Gauntlet led to many jokes that it was due to her innate Desperation 3 skill, with many jokes spinning off it such as being desperate enough to win.
  • "Armored" units note Referring to how most of the seasonal/variant armored units are anything but that with their lack of armor in order to justify the BST powercreep and to make up for the lack of canonically armored units in the roster. Winter Tharja wearing only a bikini and a coat is the most notorious whenever the disparity between her appearance and her movement class is brought up.
  • Choose Your Legends Propaganda Posters. note As a way to rally the fans of certain characters, people began posting posters of various levels of quality on Reddit, all designed to invoke people to vote for said character.
  • Russian/Communist Emblem. note Due to various lines of dialogue throughout the game, many people have jokingly called the game Communist Emblem. This can range from Ike being voted the "people's champion", Arvis' stating his goal is to "tear down divisions" and make things more equal, Zelgius/Chrom calling the player their comrade, and Hardin resembling Josef Stalin. Usually these memes involve cropping in Soviet Union flags or symbols of some kind.
  • The enemy phase theme is sometimes part of an Interrupting Meme. This is more prominent if the regular map theme has lyrics, like the last map of the "Stepping into the New Year" Tempest Trial and the Grand Hero Battle against Fallen Takumi. Update 2.5.0 adds the option to disable enemy phase music, lessening the meme's hold.

    You are the ocean's gray wa— (enemy phase theme)
    You are the ocean's gray wa— (enemy phase theme)
    You are the ocean's gray waves— (stage cleared)

  • "X banner is bait for X". note Anytime a summoning focus was dropped shortly before a highly anticipated one, such as a seasonal focus, players would frequently refer to such ones as "bait banners" that are only intended to get players to spend all their orbs and then have no choice but to buy more orbs for the new summoning focus.
    • Every banner is a bait banner! note This quickly grew out of hand, to the point that all banners nowadays are referred to as bait banners.
  • With every update, IS kills our memes! note Some updates addressed concerns and memes within the community, especially on Reddit. Marth and Ryoma finally got alts, Enemy Phase music can be turned off, Linde appeared on a banner after a whole year of hiatus, and even a new favorites system to better organize one's heroes. IS seems to be determined to kill memes with each passing update, and even nowadays, it continues; Luke's absurd rarity was fixed by having him get a New Power banner for his refine and later become part of a 20-week summoning banner rotation, and perhaps one of the most iconic memes of Anna being forgotten by IS and never getting alts anymore was given a rightful end by New Year 2020 - She finally received an alt! Given some months, IS then kills another long standing meme in September 2020: They added Jill!
  • Intern-kun note With new banners being leaked early increasingly often since mid-2018, jokes have surfaced about a supposed intern or group of interns whose incompetence is responsible for them, but somehow always avoids getting fired. The biggest one, however, is information about Legendary Julia's Banner in early August 2019, which is supposed to be released at the end of August 2019, nearly a month later.
  • Several memes have appeared regarding the absence of certain units:
    • It's been X since Y appeared note Many players note when a character, event, map, or rarity demotion has appeared, and the time period since then. Luke and Saber are such examples, both are five star exclusive, since their introduction, and as such they have never appeared again in any summoning focuses (and due to the unpopularity with some of their default skills, and the more desirable ones being on other units who are more readily available, it's easy to see why), making them the rarest heroes in the game. Before Camus' GHB daily rotation, he was included in this meme as well.
    • Missing Linde note Linde is a 5-Star exclusive unit that appeared in a banner exactly once, during the "Battle of the Mages" Voting Gauntlet. She wouldn't be featured again until a whole year later, when she got her own weapon refinement. How she got no banner for a year became a meme in of itself and she's FEH's 'super rare popular character who got no banner for a damn long time' similar to Brynhild or Mysterious Heroine X. (Linde is capable of appearing as an off-focus unlike both of them, but the chance of her even spooking in banners that don't highlight her is slim to none)
    • Saber? Who is that? note Saber had not appeared on a banner since the banner introducing him. This made him one of the rarest units in the game period, so many joke of not knowing who he is because of it. It was until his refinement for his Golden Dagger in November 2018 that he finally appears in another banner other than his first, leaving Luke in the dust from being the rarest unit in the entire game, until Luke himself received a refinement in July 2019, and as a result another focus banner for him.
      • Wrong Saber! note And the cherry on the top of Saber's meme is that he shares name with the primary swordsman class of the Fate Series and especially the original Saber, Artoria/Altria Pendragon. In conjunction with the above joke and how Fate/Grand Order became a rival game of Fire Emblem Heroes, the mention of Saber may instead net you Artoria/Altria instead of Valentia's Saber.
    • Luke? You mean Lukas? note Since his release, Luke has never appeared in another banner since his first one, even though he is the first hero to naturally learn Panic Ploy, a sought-after skill in the Arena Meta Game. Saber's reappearance in a refinement banner in November 2018 has since made Luke the rarest summonable unit in the entire game. On top of that, the update in April 2019 has removed him for the 5* pool for new Special and New Heroes banners released past that update, making him more difficult to summon now. Ironic, considering his aspirations for being a legendary, famous hero. It was until the June 2019 Feh Channel announcement for Revival Banners that he finally received another focus banner (albeit being in Week 13 of those banners), as well as receiving a refinement in July 2019 means that he will be in another banner as well.
    • Red bow unit when? Explanation Prior to November 2019, Heroes had not released a playable red bow unit, leading people to speculate when it will happen and who would be the first such unit. Some found it frustrating, especially since enemy red bow units exist and multiple blue and green bow units have been released. This meme is now retired since the release of Igrene in the "Guardians of Peace" banner, who is a Red Bow Infantry unit.
    • Anna alt when, IS? note Before New Year's Day 2020, Anna was the only one of the Askr trio to not have an alt. A common practice with this meme was "When X gets an alt before you do", where people pointed out that other characters got an alt, but not Anna. Awakening Anna also ended up losing to Camilla in Choose Your Legends 3, failing to net Anna an alt. Later, when everyone expected her to appear on 2019's "Farfetched" banner, it turned out that there was no Farfetched banner at all, once more failing to give Anna an alt. Eventually, after almost three years, Anna obtained an alt in the "Renewed Spirit" banner, ending this meme once and for all.
    • Jugdral seasonal alt when, IS? note Similarly to the above two examples, the Jugdral characters never really had seasonal alts. The only alts they had are just Sword Reinhardt, green tome Olwen and later Legendary Julia. This causes players to believe that the Jugdral continent in a way gets shafted that they're not allowed to do seasonal fun stuffs. Finally retired with the "A Splendid Soiree" Banner in September 2019, which released both Dancing Ishtar and Dancing Reinhardt.
    • Jill when?? note By the start of 2020 (with the release of New Year's Anna), Jill was the Sole Survivor of the '(unit of desire) when??' series of memes. Jill had been a popular character that hasn't gotten into Heroes despite being greatly desired for. She even made it to the Top 20 female of CYL 2019. Many people thought that she would be part of the Farfetched Heroes in 2019, but it turns out that IS never bothered for that perfect chance to put Jill in, quietly retiring the Farfetched Heroes series. Until the next Tellius banner (Despair and Hope, on September 2020) was released, the fans were left frothing for the addition of Jill. With the release of Jill stated above, the meme is now officially retired, although the fact that Jill has been desired since the beginning and only got in that late made her the official record holder of 'longest time to get added despite fan desire'.
      • Meanwhile, Boyd... note During the Forging Bonds of Timeless Ties, Mist greets Shinon, Gatrie, Jill and Ilyana and claims that everyone from the Greil Mercenaries have been reunited, conveniently forgetting Boyd, who has been there even before Ike joined up and also could possibly become Mist's husband in Radiant Dawn, and he's the only one from the original Greil Mercenaries roster who hasn't been included in Heroes in any form (Even Rhys and Rolf have been included via Summer and Halloween alternates). Fans then takes it that Mist either forgot Boyd on purpose for some Noodle Incident, Boyd getting dejected for being left out and forgotten at first. This escalated when the Book V Finale banner, released over a year after Jill's addition, was another Path of Radiance banner that still didn't feature Boyd despite him getting more votes in CYL 5 than any of the characters that made the cut. Fans then made Boyd the successor of the Jill meme, being dejected that he was forgotten despite being there since day one with Ike.
    • Ignatz when?? note Ignatz is the last student character to not have either a base or seasonal ingame, likely due to his unpopularity compared to the other students. This also feeds into IS's perceived bias towards the Black Eagles and Blue Lions classes; most Three Houses banners predominantly feature those two houses with about two characters from that class per banner, while the Golden Deer class does not have a dominant Three Houses banner. As of the Summer Vibrance banner, the Golden Deer still have 4 students without a base form in game compared to the the Blue Lions' 3 and Black Eagles' 2. Some Golden Deer fans have vowed to vote for him in Choose Your Legends 6 to hope that he finally gets his debut into Heroes.
  • X Fodder Explanation Some heroes have very desirable skills, but are sometimes not up to par on other heroes who share the same movement and weapon type due to their stats, especially those released later on and Power Creeping them as a result, so players designate them as their skill available at 4 stars or even 3 stars, such as Klein for Death Blow 3, Abel for Swordbreaker 3, Fates!Selena for Reposition, and so on.
  • Compensation Orbs. note Any time a glitch, major oversight, or technical difficulty causes problems for players, expect to see players demand orbs as compensation. This will extend to things such as a minor misspelling, to units coming in with designs or skills that fans don't like.
  • Dark Clouds over Awakening Tempest Trial final map PTSD note As the very first Tempest Trial, due to the hefty requirements to reach 50000 score for the Quicken Pulse Sacred Seal (and the optional but more difficult 99999+ score to get all the orbs), Veronica being an SNK Boss, the ridiculous stat inflation of enemy heroes on Lunatic before it was nerfed, and the final map layout and unit composition, many players shudder whenever this map is brought up in discussions, especially when the new changes made all the later Tempest Trials much easier. When the "Chaos Named" Tempest Trial+ brought back that map, players could finally get their revenge, especially with all the quality-of-life changes that had happened ever since.
  • BST note Short for Base Stat Total, but players often use that acronym to stand for something else, usually for derogatory purposes. One such is named the Bullshit Tier, due to the changes in Arena scoring making units with high BST have a higher scoring value than lower ones, and as a result, many melee armor units teams dominate the very high tiers of the Arena ever since.
  • Death Blow 4 note Being the first 4 skill, Death Blow 4 has attracted a lot of infamy for the game's astonishingly quick level of power creep, inadvertently becoming the icon for it in the process.
    • "Death Blow 4 is just 2 extra damage guys!" note With the release of Death Blow 4 on CYL2, which gives the user +8 Atk if they initiate, compared to the +6 from Death Blow 3, some players state this as they feel like it's an over-rated skill, not knowing that player-phase focused heroes like Reinhardt and Bold Fighter users really want this as the A slot skill, and that it gives as much score as Distant Counter and Close Counter in the Arena scoring system. It later resulted in some players using this phrase ironically when certain enemies, especially on maps with Abyssal difficulty, just survive battles because the attacking unit only had Death Blow 3 equipped.
    • "Swift Sparrow 3 is worse than Atk/Spd Solo 3!" note Like the Death Blow 4 and 3 argument above, with Summer Laegjarn revealed to have Swift Sparrow 3, which gives the user +6 Atk and +7 Spd during combat if the user initiates combat, people have been claiming that it's not better than Atk/Spd Solo 3, which gives the user +6 Atk/Spd during combat if the user is not adjacent to an ally, apparantly not learning from the same lessons from Death Blow 4, in both that it gives more score in the Arena scoring system, and many player phase focus units want this skill due to it's reliability, especially in tight fighting areas where being far from allies is sometimes not possible.
  • Due to units like Legendary Lucina getting Future Vision (Swap, but after she gets to act again), and Quan revealed to have Speed/Defense Rally+, players quickly went wild with speculation that the Assist skills would be the next area to be victims of Power Creep, leaving to jokes like Reposition+, and Smite+.
  • Skill Descriptions in 20XX note Starting with Fjorm's Ice Mirror description in her intro video being 5 lines long, players joke that skills descriptions will get longer as the game goes on, to the point that it is comparable to Yu-Gi-Oh! levels of text. It all started with Flora's Hoarfrost Knife description in the Nohrian Dusk video , which would later be dethroned a few weeks later by Halloween Mia's Witchy Wand+ description in The Land's Bounty video , where the text is so long that the font size had to be made smaller to fit the textbox. Since the introduction of beast units, the text has only gotten smaller, with it being most notable in Kaden's and Selkie's (and especially New Year Selkie's) text boxes, and from there on, statuses and effects of certain weapons such as [Isolation] and [Dagger 7] just keep making the text boxes in-game larger to the point it reaches the bottom of the screen.
  • X is the obvious demote note A common phrase for players who deduce which hero will be available at 4-5 stars instead of being exclusively at 5 after a banner they're released on, especially if they have less powerful skills than the other heroes in the same banner. There are rare occasions that this is not the case, such as the "Fallen Heroes" banner not demoting anyone, even though Fallen Celica has less good skills compared to Hardin and Male Fallen Robin, Ares being demoted rather than Lene after the "Genealogy" banner, where she has less appealing skills and stats than Ares in the same banner, in which players learn that IS values Valor skills more on heroes as a result. However, this meme soon died down since the release of the Lovely Gifts banner in February 2020 with the release of 4 star focus units, as well as New Heroes summoning video trailers starting from The Dread Isle have ended confirming which focus unit is the 3-4 star demote, taking out the guess work for the fanbase.
    • The No Demote Salt note Whenever someone is not demoted to a lower rarity after the end of a New Hero Banner, or a specific character is not demoted, people would cause an outcry, to say the least. The biggest ones are the "Adrift" and "Kitsune and Wolfskin" banners, where nobody was demoted.
  • "You can't spell Salt without Alt" note With the release of IS planned alternative units already included in Heroes since early 2018 (not including seasonal units, which itself is another can of worms), some players were upset when an alternative unit is released in a new banner instead of an entirely new hero, noting that they occupy a space for heroes who are not in the game yet, the earliest example being that players believe that Sacred Memories Eirika replaced Knoll for a banner spot in "The Sacred World".
    • ""New"" Heroes note Banners with new units in the permanent summoning pool, are announced as "New Heroes", as compared to "Special Heroes", the limited time seasonal banners. Along with the above alts situation, players use this title ironically when alt units are the main focus of the banner, the biggest one being the "Adrift" banner, where there are 3 alt characters compared to the 1 new one.
  • "That silhouette's obviously X." note Starting from the Summer's Arrival banner, IS teases the next seasonal banners by releasing a picture containing black silhouettes of two characters before the video trailer comes out. While some obvious features of certain characters can be seen in some of them, when there are still speculations of who those characters are, fan jokingly use it to fit anyone, or anything, in that pose, from a pick of likely, to unlikely, to completely ridiculous and impossible. For an example of the latter, fans jokingly said that one silhouette on the Summer Returns banner (which was revealed be Summer Helbindi) was Donkey Kong.
  • "Quick everyone, act surprised!" note A common reaction on Reddit and forums whenever a banner trailer is shown, but the units revealed were leaked or datamined from an update that was released before the trailer, and spoiling players curious of the contents of the datamine beforehand. Examples include the leaked New Year's alts upon Legendary Azura being released, and the leaked Legendary Julia notification. This meme saw a resurgence when everyone knew that the next Mythic Hero in late September 2021 was going to be Ótr, due to how A: The next Mythic Hero was most likely Green due to Legendary Male Byleth being rerun on the same banner, and B: Ótr had just died in the story of Book V.
  • "I suppose I'll get my chance another day." note Chrom's line from Robin's trailer in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, where he lamented that he didn't make it onto the roster, until Ultimate at least. It's extremely relevant for Heroes, used for everything from a character not making it into the game to a character not getting a Brave variant. This became even more relevant thanks to Choose Your Legends 5, where Chrom supporters were saddened by the sudden rise of Gatekeeper votes.
  • May Naga help you. note As one of the physical gods in the Fire Emblem franchise, Naga is often used in place of god, and as such, this phrase is commonly used by online users, especially if matchup problems become much worse with Elite Tweaks and new skills upon release. Becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when Naga was released as a Mythic Hero of Astra in May 2019, where her Divine Fang grants all adjacent allies "effective against dragons" at the start of her turn, where if the problem is dragons in the Meta Game, then Naga will literally help you.
  • Some memes are linked to accessories:
    • Tinted Glasses note Brady's Tinted Glasses basically is a pair of sunglasses, which is often used by "cool" people. With this, people made "cool" units get the glasses, or making Daniel and Cooler Daniel memes with it.
    • Academy Cap note Female Byleth's Academy Cap looks like a police hat, so people put it to units and act like they're a police officer. In addition, it's drawn comparisons to the hat worn by Jotaro.
    • Røkkr Remnant note These various multicolored accessories are obtained upon dealing 150,000 total damage to a Røkkr in a single battle. Since it covers up one of the eyes of the wearer, it has been compared to Sans, especially the Lance Røkkr Remnant, which matches the color of Sans's eye.
  • Calculus Emblem note As new skills get released, fans began remarking how increasingly complex the requirements, especially for in-combat stat boosting skills, are getting. The game also started using letters instead of lengthy descriptions for new skills (such as the AR-exclusive A skills), essentially sliding algebra into its skill descriptions. The increasing mathematical complexity of skills combined with this lead to many jokes on the matter.
  • +Res/Def -Atk/Spd note A specific combination of Asset and Flaws, which is both very undesireable and unoptimal for many units where Res or Def is usually the Dump Stat for those units and is therefore a desired Flaw for them while an Atk or Spd Asset is more useful to them. Whenever you see someone pull a specific hero at 5* and reveal their IVs, expect to see this a lot.
  • Win in Aether Raids. note A quest in Heroes' Path introduced on September 2019, whose difficulty stems from how far the player is when they take the quest. Most players by this point already are very far into the game, where winning is very hard. Thus, most players in this point are stuck in Rank 12, unable to advance further.
    • In a similar note, Aether AIDS. note A nickname for Aether Raids that describes its metagame, as many players in higher tiers run overpowered and cancerous units like Fallen Edelgard and Dancer Sigurd.
  • The Lance Cavaliers with +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res Lances note Some players noticed that many lance cavaliers have their exclusive weapons give +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res with different activation conditions since the reveal that Perceval has his Prized Lance give those stat boosts in the "Guardians of Peace" banner in mid-November 2019. The list currently includes Peri with her Peri's Lance, Brave Eliwood with his Ninis's Ice Lance, Death Knight and his Scythe of Sariel, Sirius and his Sable Lance, and Perceval and his Prized Lance. The fact that Ferdinand was released without a lance like this was memed as well.
  • Free copy of Fire Emblem: Three Houses! note When Three Houses was released, Heroes gave out a free five star Male Byleth as a promotional gift for people who had purchased the game. Naturally, jokes about spending $60 to get Male Byleth and receiving Three Houses as a free bonus gift were made.
  • "Let's do math with [Unit Name]!" note Sometimes, skills involving damage reduction, special spamming, etc. tends to really mess the built-in damage calculator over, leading to situations where the displayed amount of damage dealt does not match up with the end HP of the opposing unit at all. Notable examples include Brave Ike, Reinhardt and New Year Lethe.
  • Is it just me, or do a lot of these Heroes use swords? Explanation A quote from Feh in the Feh Channel on April 2, 2020, talking about how most of the Focus Heroes in the 30th Anniversay Free Summon banner use swords. This has been compared to Sothis saying "Too many swordsmen, are there?" from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and that they share the same voice actor doesn't help.
  • Pheonixmaster1 is well known in the community for making guides dedicated to people who avoid spending orbs in the game, so he and his guides were memed occasionally.
    • Pheonixmaster1 is in the game! Explanation When Itsuki was released as a Tempest Trial hero, people noticed the similarities between him and Phoenix's avatar, leading people to say that Phoenix made it into the game.
    • Punished Pheonixmaster1 Explanation Otr, one of the antagonists in Book V, also resembles PM1's avatar, but because of his dour expression, he looks like an edgier or darker version of him, to the point where some people jokingly stated that this version of PM1 would make pay to win guides as opposed to free to play guides. PM1 himself even approves of the comparison, and when Otr actually released as a playable hero, PM1's videos covering him played up the idea that Otr is just his dark or fallen counterpart, right down to making a "pay to win" guide video as Otr himself as part of a bit.
  • Narcian is the best Whitewing Explanation For Starter Support log-in bonus, the community was given a choice to vote between Palla, Catria, Est, and Narcian as a free Hero to be given away. The fans went with it, saying that Narcian is the fourth member of the Whitewing. Further emphasised when Narcian and Est ended up sharing a banner in the 2020 Easter event and even the same colour.
  • TMS Emblem Explanation With a new mode and filter that sorts teams based on the games they're in... people have noticed that Tokyo Mirage Sessions not only has the least representation - most people would probably only bother having Itsuki, as he's a Tempest reward unit while the others were 5 star exclusives.
  • Welcome to Alt-only Hell Explanation Some heroes debuted with a seasonal alt, which started with Bridal Charlotte, and took a very long time to have their default version added to the gacha (such as Fiora, Sigrun and even Charlotte, years after being stuck in there), but a lot of these characters do not receive their normal versions at all. The phrase is uttered whenever a hero debuted with an alternative version, preferably a seasonal alt, because they'll likely only have that version for a long time. Dorothea takes this to a new level (but since she's the only one, it's not enough to warrant a new bullet point), where she got TWO alts (one Summer and one Desert, pairing up with Lene) before any one of her default versions (pre or post Time Skip) was ever announced.
  • Milk Truck note From a tweet of Cuboon's about the duo unit of Summer Female Byleth and Rhea, noted for both women's curves being emphasized quite well. The term would return when Brave Edelgard whom he rendered rather curvy as well, but with "Armored Milk Truck" as the curves comes from her boob plate armor. While mainly Three Houses-related, there' a good chance it may be used on a future Cuboon-drawn hero.
  • "There is no trailer/Feh Channel, go to sleep." note Whenever a New Heroes Trailer, Legendary/Mythic Hero Trailer, or a Feh Channel is drawing near, people will wait in anticipation for it to come out. 4 hours before each daily reset, one of these will drop a few days before the banners actually come out. Whenever a day passes when nothing is announced, the fans will often drop the quote stated. This meme saw a resurgence when no Fire Emblem-related news or game was announced at both Nintendo Directs in 2021.
  • "Another GHB with a Red Tome" note With Veld's release as a Grand Hero Battle unit in January 2020, many players noted that Red Tome users being released as a Grand Hero Battle unit often have either substandard or gimmicky tomes, average skills by default, and a statline with low Spd and Def, and good HP, Atk, and Res, with only a few exceptions, such as Arvis and Aversa. As a result, whenever a Red Tome unit is released as this and have those traits, players will declare this phrase or a similar variant. It gets worse when throughout Book V, there has been a slew of Red Mage GHB units starting with Veld: Solon, Arete, Pelleas, and Aelfric. However, while Solon and Veld at least have a niche regarding their gimmicky tomes, the others listed only have generic tomes, rendering them next to useless compared to strong, more viable red mage units.
  • Meanwhile, the females' division... Explanation During Choose Your Legends 5, some players noticed that the females' division has been given less attention than the males' division where many players were cheering for Gatekeeper, Marth, or Chrom, unlike where the females' division usually got more attention.

Constantly Getting Black Screen While Playing Fire Emblem Heroes


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